Monday, September 13, 2010

Singapore airlines Grand India and Global Plans

Singapore Airlines has finally set its eyes on teh Indian airlines market for its next phse of expansion.Singapore Airlines plans to expand its footprints in India seems to be fructifying in terms of landing rights for new destinations and enhancing capacity on the routes that it services.

Singapore airlines hopes to utilize the Indian growth prospects emerging markets to expand its operations globally.

Airline traffic has been in the upswing since last year and at he same time traffic between Singapore and India is expected to rise with the scaling up of the comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA) between the two countries to facilitate flow of trade, services and investment. India has emerged as a priority market and an important component of Singapore Airlines global operations.

The CECA between the two countries is expected to pave the way for Indian doctors, dentists and architects to tap the opportunities available in Singapore. In the education sector , Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, already has a presence in Singapore along with universities such as Stanford and Cornell . The strengthening of the economic ties is expected to result not only in more business, but also tourists traveling between the two countries. After the global slowdown, Singapore has bounced back strongly with estimates indicating economic growth at 15%, providing more scope to both sides to expand trade and investment flows.

Singapore Airlines has reinstated double dailies on the Mumbai and Delhi routes and together with its sister carrier Silk Air, the two carriers operate 80 flights to India. With its fleet of newly acquired Air bus 380 The airlines seems to be much prepared to tap the market. But Only Emirates airlines and Air India expansion plan have to be watched.

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